Area Code 416

416 is the North American Telephone Area Code For Ontario in Canada.
District of Ontario area codes: 416
Country Canada
State/Province Ontario
Major City Toronto
Time Zone Eastern

Phone directory with area code 416

Prefix County Primary City Company
416-200 Toronto, ON Bell Mobility
416-201 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-202 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-203 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-204 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-205 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-206 Toronto, ON Telus Mobility
416-207 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-208 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-209 Toronto, ON Bell Mobility
416-210 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-212 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-213 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-214 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-215 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-216 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-217 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-218 Toronto, ON Bell Canada
416-219 Toronto, ON Rogers Communications Partnership (wireless)
416-220 Toronto, ON Telus Mobility
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There are 776 prefixes, In the code area, the major cities are Toronto, ON. The major city is Toronto.

Phone Numbers Generator
201-309-6251, Jersey City, NJ, United States
206-292-1664, Seattle, WA, United States
281-624-5722, Houston, TX, United States
361-248-8872, Corpus Christi, TX, United States
361-756-8591, Alice, TX, United States
418-750-5911, Rimouski, QC, Canada
423-676-7870, Johnson City, TN, United States
450-226-7512, Morin Heights, QC, Canada
508-850-3539, Walpole, MA, United States
512-386-2248, Austin, TX, United States
602-725-9171, Phoenix, AZ, United States
770-504-7467, Jackson, GA, United States
817-755-4793, Springtown, TX, United States
832-493-7917, Houston, TX, United States
847-856-4794, Gurnee, IL, United States
873-890-8041, Saint Felix De Kingsey, QC, Canada
903-983-2183, Kilgore, TX, United States
973-355-0495, Morristown, NJ, United States
973-428-5217, Whippany, NJ, United States
973-760-0699, Morristown, NJ, United States