Area Code 531

531 is the North American Telephone Area Code For Nebraska in United States.
District of Nebraska area codes: 531
Country United States
State/Province Nebraska
Major City Lincoln
Time Zone Central

Phone directory with area code 531

Prefix County Primary City Company
531-333 Lancaster Lincoln, NE Centurylink Communications LLC
531-555 Used in movie Lincoln, NE Used in movie
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There are 2 prefixes, In the code area, the major cities are Lincoln, NE. The major city is Lincoln.

Phone Numbers Generator
269-420-2998, Battle Creek, MI, United States
323-445-9413, Burbank, CA, United States
337-370-8304, Jennings, LA, United States
401-471-7032, East Greenwich, RI, United States
402-868-0824, Johnson, NE, United States
408-912-4813, San Jose, CA, United States
510-544-1681, Oakland, CA, United States
616-588-0219, Grand Rapids, MI, United States
626-564-9432, Pasadena, CA, United States
705-378-2973, Otter Lake, ON, Canada
716-687-7512, East Aurora, NY, United States
787-704-0511, Caguas, PR, United States
804-515-9783, Richmond, VA, United States
805-725-0909, Mc Kittrick, CA, United States
810-496-4514, Flint, MI, United States
812-235-7863, Terre Haute, IN, United States
859-481-3947, Springfield, KY, United States
912-728-9015, Bloomingdale, GA, United States
917-560-5109, New York, NY, United States
954-830-2495, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States