Area Code 579

579 is the North American Telephone Area Code For Quebec in Canada.
District of Quebec area codes: 579
Country Canada
State/Province Quebec
Major City Chomedey
Time Zone Pacific

Phone directory with area code 579

Prefix County Primary City Company
579-217 Vaudreuil, QC Telus Quebec
579-218 Laval Est, QC Telus Quebec
579-219 Laval Ouest, QC Telus Quebec
579-220 Chambly, QC Telus Quebec
579-221 Laprairie, QC Telus Quebec
579-222 Marieville, QC Telus Quebec
579-223 Saint Bruno, QC Telus Quebec
579-224 Saint Jean, QC Telus Quebec
579-225 Saint Hyacinthe, QC Telus Quebec
579-226 Saint Therese, QC Telus Quebec
579-227 Rigaud, QC Telus Quebec
579-228 Saint Rosalie, QC Telus Quebec
579-229 Beloeil, QC Telus Quebec
579-230 Boucherville, QC Telus Quebec
579-231 Chomedey, QC Telus Quebec
579-232 Granby, QC Telus Quebec
579-233 Le Gardeur, QC Telus Quebec
579-234 Longueuil, QC Telus Quebec
579-235 Mascouche, QC Telus Quebec
579-236 Pont Viau, QC Telus Quebec
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There are 117 prefixes, In the code area, the major cities are Chomedey, QC;Rawdon, QC;Mirabel Aeroport, QC;Granb. The major city is Chomedey.

Phone Numbers Generator
201-319-5938, Union City, NJ, United States
201-493-8508, Ridgewood, NJ, United States
209-613-5068, Modesto, CA, United States
256-830-4506, Huntsville, AL, United States
289-912-1651, Port Perry, ON, Canada
306-493-9048, Delisle, SK, Canada
313-300-7177, Detroit, MI, United States
321-951-8662, Melbourne, FL, United States
343-269-0328, Bancroft, ON, Canada
360-952-7716, Vancouver, WA, United States
361-558-1312, Corpus Christi, TX, United States
562-428-7195, Long Beach, CA, United States
570-398-10000, Jersey Shore, PA, United States
573-436-4924, Potosi, MO, United States
587-333-8583, Calgary, AB, Canada
646-233-2799, New York, NY, United States
707-641-7674, Vallejo, CA, United States
813-449-8497, Tampa, FL, United States
850-585-6721, Fort Walton Beach, FL, United States
859-340-6830, Paris, KY, United States