Area Code 639

639 is the North American Telephone Area Code For Saskatchewan in Canada.
District of Saskatchewan area codes: 639
Country Canada
State/Province Saskatchewan
Major City Saskatoon
Time Zone Central (UTC-06:00)

Phone directory with area code 639

Prefix County Primary City Company
639-471 Saskatoon, SK Sasktel Mobility
639-571 Regina, SK Sasktel Mobility
639-625 Regina, SK Sasktel
639-635 Saskatoon, SK Sasktel
639-739 Regina, SK Iristel Inc.
639-740 Regina, SK Iristel Inc.
639-887 Saskatoon, SK Telus Integrated Communications
639-888 Regina, SK Telus Integrated Communications
639-998 Saskatoon, SK Telus Mobility
639-999 Regina, SK Telus Mobility
639-555 Used in movie Saskatoon, SK Used in movie
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There are 11 prefixes, In the code area, the major cities are Saskatoon, SK;Regina, SK. The major city is Saskatoon.

Phone Numbers Generator
205-999-3319, Birmingham, AL, United States
214-376-0190, Dallas, TX, United States
239-776-8195, Naples, FL, United States
314-895-3189, Hazelwood, MO, United States
419-766-4290, Napoleon, OH, United States
425-438-2797, Everett, WA, United States
440-469-9342, Berea, OH, United States
504-279-6780, New Orleans, LA, United States
519-775-3319, Sparta, ON, Canada
561-245-6611, Boca Raton, FL, United States
587-615-7980, Edson, AB, Canada
626-299-8212, Alhambra, CA, United States
631-675-3400, Stony Brook, NY, United States
631-896-6271, Northport, NY, United States
705-315-8358, Barrie, ON, Canada
720-406-4884, Denver, CO, United States
740-317-5011, Steubenville, OH, United States
843-468-4793, Florence, SC, United States
970-766-0481, Vail, CO, United States
972-986-1012, Irving, TX, United States